Wednesday 24 February 2010


Nut allergies are caused by non contact in early years?
Interesting thought that, and one I might subscribe to.

Hearing that children with peanut allergies were successfully introduced to a small amount of peanut power in yoghurt, made me wonder why that would work?
Was it that they never had any peanuts when small and then suddenly introduced to them, with a bad result? Or what?

Personally, I think moderation in all things from the start. Maybe then the immune system would have a chance to build up it's resistance, rather than being deprived and then having to deal with an onslaught.

One of my babies was put on a 5 year research programme, which had 500 babies which would be introduced to nut products during their first 5 years and another group of 500 that were to have no nuts at all.
After 5 years they would be introduced to nuts and the researchers would see which group had the better outcome.

My money is on the first group, who had been naturally introduced and exposed to nuts in the first place.

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