Saturday, 15 September 2012


The little angels now sit up in their high chairs and their sister has a booster seat at the table.

This day it was - eating in the garden!

Sunday, 1 July 2012


The triplets take a nap in their bouncy chairs after lunch and the eldest boy always covers his face to sleep! 
    So funny

Saturday, 30 June 2012


After booking a £400 order from Sainsbury's online, they called half an hour before delivery to say that baby milk and nappies etc would not be included.

When you cannot go out with 4 little people (let alone carry the goods home), online is a wonderful resource. However, there is no point when they do not supply the most important items.

Needless to say, the order was cancelled and she went elsewhere, but found the time in her busy schedule to write to the Manager, who (as to date) has not even had the decency to respond.

Needless to say, Sainsbury's has lost a valuable customer.
Shame they are so arrogant as not to need her custom and neglected those children.

Friday, 29 June 2012


Giving all 5 little ones their lunch went rather well.

That's because they are SO good!!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


So the triplets and their sister are doing so well, they are now weaning.

Just look at these little wonders.

Monday, 11 June 2012


Beaba Babycook Duo Gypsy was a bad buy and I would avoid wasting your money on an expensive product (£169.99), which does not do what it says.

What made it worse was, the company's attitude to my complaint. Beaba was incredibly patronising, high-handed and basically rude.

They made out that my daughter (for whom I'd bought the machine) and myself, did not know how to use it (even though I told them we had followed the instructions) and kept copying and pasting their sales blurb back at me.

It was bought to help prepare meals for weaning, but the food kept sticking to the sides of the pots after steaming and had to be opened and rearranged many times. So, it was back to the good old conventional methods!

Thank goodness for the site where I bought it. instantly understood and told me to return it and gave me a refund.

Well done and thank you, great customer service.

I will use again, as that's what happens when you get it right!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012


A more talented mum I have never met.

The way she has got these 3 babies and her toddler to be such smiling, contented little people, is a wonder.

It might be worth noting that, every time she looks, speaks or communicates with them at all, she always has a smile and has nice words for them; yet at the same time is firm within her boundaries. She has no time for nonsense and they don't crave it: after all, they have themselves to occupy each other!

Now, whether this is because she has not had the time to over-indulge and worry about the trivial things, I'm not sure.

Maybe, if we all were too busy to worry about what the baby was thinking and just got on with what the baby needed, then maybe there would be less spoilt and more contented little people out there.

I was once told that, "All you can do for a baby is to love it, feed it, clothe and protect it". Maybe there's some truth in that!

Friday, 4 May 2012


Weaning triplets together with the 8 months older sibling, is no easy task for mum!
The old routine is changing and every time you think you have a routine, they change it!

I'm going back to these dears next week and I think a massive cook up to go in the freezer might be called for.

Mum is a true hero to get this far on her own, but now the normal routine has gone out the window and another has to be set introducing them to solids.

Eating is different to sucking a bottle and not all babies have read this manual. Some take to it instantly, while others take their time to get used to it.

The good news is that they all get there in the end, but sometimes the task is harder, even with one!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


When feeding multiple babies (which probably have many and various medications), it is not easy to remember who has had how much and at what times etc.

Therefore, a very helpful tool is a large white board.

There are various ways to work this and you may find the way you'd like, but this is how I did it with the triplets parents. (pictured here) :-

Mark out the lines in permanent pen; giving names across the top and 24 hours down the left hand side.
Leaving a space on the right for extra information and summations.

In the appropriate hour box, fill in:- 
  1. Feed start time minute
  2. How much was taken
  3. What medications and amount
  4. Wet or dirty nappy
Doing this will make it easy to add up the milk intake for the 24hr period and most importantly make it easy to see at a glance, who is to be fed with what and when.

It is so easy to forget things when there is so much to do and deliver.
This also means that helpers can see without having to bother you!

The summation for the day goes on the right hand side, together with additional information about baths, inoculations, concerns and weight (if you ever have the time to do that).

Without the triplets having a white board, life would have been almost impossible!
The picture is when they are 6 months and are down to approx 4 hourly feeds and sleeping most of the night.

Saturday, 31 March 2012


I gather that "baby walkers" are not good and actually impede the walking development.
Canada actually bans them!

I knew from a chiropractor, that holding a child's hand and making him walk is bad for them, as it forces the legs which may not be ready to take their weight.

The "walker" makes the muscles lazy and British children are apparently the slowest to start waking well because of it.
This is what I have heard for a professional and makes sense to me; however I have not searched for the evidence

Friday, 30 March 2012


The triplets went for their 6 months check up.

After having to wait for the third bus (no room for their chariot on first two!), they were there for hours.

As expected, they all passed the 4 month milestones and the youngest even passed some of the 6 months checks. Although they are 6 months old, as they were born at 24 weeks they have a degree of development catch-up to do.

They are all doing fantastically well and I have to say, I have never met such smiling happy babies and that goes for the elder sister too.

Their parents are an inspiration.

Friday, 23 March 2012


4 babies to be looked after and no physical help from any government departments. Not a good situation, but proof that exceptional parenting skills do exist!

So long since I last wrote, because the Triplets were born at 24 weeks gestation on 19th August 2011 and their elder sister was only 8 months old at the time.

They stayed 4 months in hospital, first Queen Charlottes, then at the Whittington where their elder sister was born. What a great Neonatal and Special Care Unit they have there.

They were all home for Christmas and then the work truly began!
The differing amounts of medication with each feed was daunting; but their parents just got on with the job and with the help of a large white board to record and monitor everything, they have achieved an amazing result, proving that organisation is the key.

These 4 little people are the happiest, accommodating little souls who smile and laugh constantly. Their mum says they bring her pleasure all day, even though I can see it is relentless task.

Both parents have had to get on with it and have done the most amazing and remarkable job, with no help available from the state. Mum doing most of it during the weekday when Dad is at work and both mucking in the evening and weekends.

A wonderful story and an inspiration to all, with details to follow.